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Burial of an Aryan was found in the Russian city of Omsk,
reported archaeologist Albert Pelevedov to "Interfax". Analyses indicated that
the Aryan had lived 3 500 years ago.

One of the residents of the Beregovoy village (located on the
outskirts of Omsk) discovered the burial. While fixing a water-pipe,
the man stumbled upon a skull and immediately called the police.
However, policemen denied criminal nature of the case and invited
archaeologists to conduct some tests.

According to Polevodov, the burial belongs to the Andron culture
(middle of the second millennium BC).

The archaeologist tells that the Aryan has been buried on his left
side, facing south; his upper and lower limbs all drawn in.
Archaeologists were able to determine the time of the burial after
examining ceramic pieces found next to the skeleton. Some of the
ceramic pieces depicted swastika turned the opposite direction.

Polevedov states, "Andron people, European-like tribes, who spoke
languages of Indo-Iranian language group, were in fact the exact same
Aryans that used to be praised by fascists."

The find is of tremendous significance due to the fact that
settlements of Andron tribes are quite rare for that particular
region. Back in the days, they were forced out of there, stated the

According to specialists, the burial was not solitary in the area. It
is also possible that a larger settlement of Andron people can be
found by the river Irtysh.

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