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Book 'Origin and History of Mathematics' now available

International Foundation For Vedic Science(IFFVS) is
honoured to have published book 'Origin and History of
Mathematics' by V.Lakshmikantham and J. Vasundhara

It is a matter of great concern that India's
contribution to the world of science is often
underestimated,negated,distorted and twisted to such
an extent that many westerners and their followers in
India have had a tough time believing that Indians
could contribute to the field of original
sciences,although they could produce
literature,speculative metaphysics,mysticism and
art.The chronology of Indian history has also been
demoted by 1200 years in a planned way.Thus a great
deal of confusion has been created by the so-called
scholars(pseudo-scholars) regarding Indian history and
India's contribution to the modern world of
mathematics and Sciences.IFFVS has been one of the
leading organizations in and outside of India that
shows a great concern over inaccurate history of India
and damaging 'orientalist' portrayals of India and
India's cultural and scientific legacy,portrayals that
have persisted in educational curricula despite the
scathing critiques levelled by post modern
scholars.IFFVS always aims at making a proper review
of India's contribution to the world civilisation in
mathematical and other sciences, so that (1) the
standard western portrayal of civilisation of India as
irrational and 'world negating' may be challenged, (2)
a due and proper role of India in shaping the positive
and scientifically modern civilisation may be
acknowledged,(3) stereotypes,inaccuracies and
ommissions may be pointed out and role of India in the
field of math,science and technology may accurately
and authentically be portrayed in educational
curricula the world over and (4) the history of
Indians in India may be presented with Indian
chronology and Indian perspective.IFFVS has always
been in favour of promoting the indocentric view of
world history and civilisation which talks about the
unified world as one unit and discards the Eurocentric
view of the world that divides the whole world into
many segments and classes.

Prof. V. Lakshmikanthan (a high profile Mathematician
from Andra Pradesh of India and has been head of the
Dept. of Mathematics in various universities of USA
since 1965 who also has been founder of many
mathematical Depts in various universities of USA) in
the present study challenges world negating view of
India's contribution to the world of mathematics and
indentifies and acknowledges the Indian element in
modern math,science and technology.This excellent
study will help the unbiased scholars to know where
the ideas of western scientists,mathematicians and
technocrats have been derived from Indian sources.The
scholars will be forced to think whether the various
branches of mathematics are from Greek,Babylon,Arab or
India.This study will also help dispel the
'orientalist' idea superimposed by Macaulay and his
successors upon Indians since 1835, resulting in an
inferior self-image on the part of many modern Indians
and causing them to look up to the west for answers.

This book can be purchased from:

International Foundation For Vedic Science
67 Clemens Street
London,On N5Y 1H7

Please advise if we can be of further

Ashwini Kumar Rajpal
International Foundation For Vedic Science
A non-profit charitable organization


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